Saturday, September 29, 2012

The return

Saturday Sept 29th

I haven't seen George in 2 weeks. This is going to be rough. Scheduled a session today. Probably going to not be able to move once it's done.

What's it like being an NBA strength coach? To find out, we chatted with the Lakers Tim DiFrancesco:

Sunday, September 9, 2012


This is a pretty ridiculous yet great diet AND workout schedule to follow.

Cardio every morning plus strength training on different muscle groups and a great diet to follow.

From the PA PA PA PA POWER himself, Terry Crews

Friday, September 7, 2012

Session 36

Friday, September 7th

Showed George 3 weeks of food logs and he went through each day marking what was good and bad.

The consensus was that during the week, its great, but on weekends, I tend to binge. As he said it "you work work work work so hard, and then decide to get lazy and eat crap which is terrible".

So, he gave me 12 different types of foods (a lot of which I already eat), ranging from tuna, vegetables, fruits, protein shakes, egg whites, wheat bread, plain chicken (NOT breaded or fried), to eat.

So my goal even though I will be travelling quite a bit in the next 3 weeks is to do 1 solid week of a mixture of what he suggested. Of course the challenge will be to keep up my gym activity on the road, but at the LEAST, I should eat right and not binge on cake, chocolates, and ice cream (which was scattered throughout my food logs).

3-exercise-4-set circuit:

30lb Kettle Bell Single Arm Swings - 15 reps each arm
Shoulder Press - 65lbs - 12 reps
Mountain Climbers - 30 reps (15 each leg)

2 sets were back to back, no break.

Then 1 minute break. The another back to back.

After around 3rd kettle bell swing set, my left side lower back started to tighten and hurt. Painfully that it disrupted the rest of my workout.

Right after the circuit exercise:

2 foot Box squats with mini bar bell  over head, elbows locked: 10 reps (just the bar)
2 foot Box squats with mini bar bell + 20lbs - 2 sets, 8 reps. This was so difficult.The objective is to keep the bar stationary above your head throughout squatting and standing up. The higher reps made it difficult to keep control of the bar. And it didn't help that my back was hurting.

After that, George offered to take a break so I could foam roll, but I said lets just go to the next exercise. I was already gas from the workout already, which did surprise me.

Single Arm Row - 35lb dumbell - 3 sets - 10 reps each arm
Single Arm Dumbell Bench Press 27.5lb dumbell - 3 sets 10 reps each. When I go to a closed grip (thumb in front of the dumbell), my palm starts to cramp. It happens at higher weights. I don't know why...

After that, we went to foam roll my back and rolling at the very bottom of my back causes a lot of pain/relief. Then George told me that its probably sensitive hip flexors, so he told me to foam roll just my hip flexor and I told him I couldn't feel anything when I do it on my own. So he told I was probably not doing it in the right area and he came over and asked me to find my hip bone, and then above it, when he pressed, I hurt a lot. And he said that was due to really sensitive, inflexible hip flexors. So I foamed rolled that for a while, and then took a tightly backed, small medicine ball and did the same thing.

Finished up with a doing another hip flexor stretch, or one I previously dubbed with Nog as the "Proposal" stretch.

Next session will be 1 week from today, so hopefully I can get some stuff done in the hotel in Chicago/Delaware!

Come on eating healthy while passing by so many delicious fast food joints (which I havent been to in parents bought home KFC one I guess technically, I am wrong!)


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cardio Session

Thursday Sept 6th 2012

Elliptical - Resistance 10 - 1.5 miles with no hands on bars
Row Machine - Resistance 4 - 1km in 4:35 (with several breaks in between..not bad....but jesus...Russell Crowe can do this in 3:30! That's a whole minute shorter and probably higher Resistance as well!)
Isolateral Press - 90lbs - 3 sets, 10 reps. probably 2 minute gaps in between. I didn't have trouble at the higher reps though. Maybe just lack of fatigue due to more rest.
Alternating Crunches - 3 sets of 16 reps (total)
Elbow Plank - 3 sets of 30 sec reps.

Just did 4 point and Pidgeon stretch.

Another George workout tomorrow. I asked him to give me a 5 day diet to see how I would do. Also gotta give him my 3 week back-log of food logs.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Session 35

Wednesday September 5

Hadn't had a gym session in general (including George) since last Wednesday at 2pm.

I am down 10lbs since I last weight myself (250lbs) which is good! Progress. Slow, but better than gaining weight.

Versa Climber: Fast pace: 50+ ft/min  for 200ft

Shoulder Press - 27.5lbs dumbells - 3 sets, 10 reps
Sumo Dead Lift with 100lb dumbell on its vertical axis - 3 sets, 15 reps (fast)
Box Squat with bar, 1 set, 12 reps (warmup)
Box squat with 10lbs, 1 set, 10 reps
Box squat with 20lbs and with Mantaray shoulder pads (helped with the pain of the bar on my back) - 2 sets, 8 reps.

Stationary Row Cable Machine - Increasing weights (60, 65, 70lbs) 3 sets, 10 reps. 70lb reps was not proper because I had to use my back more than just my arms.

Bench Press (bar) - 1 set, 12 reps
Bench Press (95lbs) - 1 set, 10 reps
Bench Press (115lbs) - 1 set 8 reps
Bench Press (135lbs) - 2 reps. Couldn't even do the second one. Pretty pathetic.

Chest Press - 90lbs - 1 set, 10 reps, 100lbs, 2 sets 8 reps

Exercise Ball Roll outs - 2 sets, hand far out, 10 reps. Pretty sure I strained my abs on the last 2 reps. Hurt a lot. thats definitely a total body exercise. I can feel all the muscles work on the way back up.

Right after box squats, my lower back was killing me. So tight and uncomfortable. Hung on a bar for a while, and since the next exercise was bench press, it was fine. But during bench press, my hip flexors got so tight and my glutes were cramping, to which George said...GOOD! more squats.

Did a solid post-workout stretch of back, hip flexors, IT bands.

Next session is Friday with George. Tomorrow is Cardio. Hopefully I can do the row machine.

Fun fact. Russell Crowe did 1km in 3:30. Geez.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Session 34

A little late on this...lets see how much I remember again...ugh

Wednesday, August 29th

Track Warmup:
Jog around 1/22mi track - 2 laps
Jog around 1/22mi track for the short bands, side shuffle on the long edges - 2 laps
Jog around track for short bands, run backwards on long edges - 1 lap
Jog around track for short bands, sprint on long edges - 2 sets of 2 laps


Rack DeadLift - 135lbs - 1 sets, 10 reps, 185lbs - 1 set - 8 reps, 225, 1 set 6 reps, 255lbs (PR) 1 set, 4 reps
Isolateral incline press - 3 pyramid sets, 4th set was doing as many as possible (which I did 20 of)

(Some other stuff)

Pulldown - 110lbs - 3 sets - 10 reps
Tricep Extension with Cable and handle - 47lbs - 3 sets 10 receps
Bicep Curl machine - 65lbs - 3 sets 10 reps

Full set of stretches (back, quads, hip flexors, IT band)