Monday, April 30, 2012

Block 2 begins: Session 11

Renewed my 10 session package again.

7 minutes on elliptical on resistance 10
Hand walkouts - 5 reps
Forward lunges - 6 reps forward and then back
Side lunge with floor touch - 1 set 12 reps
Single leg dead lift (no weight), 2 sets, 10 reps.
Air Bike - 12 minutes maintained at 40-50rpm. Every 1:30, bike at 80+ RPM for 15 seconds > this was gruelling and it killed me enough to make me nauseated a little later....sigh
Box taps - 1 set of 20 reps at 6 inches. 2 sets of 20 reps at 9 inches.
Single hand row, 3 sets of 8 reps each arm.
Split Squats, n = 10 each leg in between the sets of Single Hand Row

--bathroom moment---

Single leg side step up with 8lb medicine ball push, 3 sets, 10 reps each leg.
Inclined Chest Press: Heavy Weight 8 reps, Less Weight, 10 reps, Lesser Weight, 12 reps, Single weight, 20 reps.
Single arm cable lateral raises - 3 sets, 10 reps each arm.
Dual arm cable push - 3 sets, 10 reps on each side.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sessions 10....and 11

Didn't have time to blog over the weekend, so I'll start with Session 11 which was tonight's:

Session 11:

Got a little late to the gym:

5 minute warmup on ellipical -- resistance 10
Inclined chest press -- 3 sets, 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps -- all incrementing weights
Row machine - alternating arms -- 3 sets, 20 reps each, incrementing weights per set
Shoulder Press, 3 sets, 10 reps, 22.5lbs each arm
2 foot step ups, single leg, 3 sets, 10 reps/each leg
Wide grip dead lift, 90lb weight + bar, 3 sets, 10 reps
Outward arm raises with weight, 10lbs, 8lbs, 5lbs, 2lbs, 12 reps each weight.
Resisting George's arms while trying to lift both my arms was also one set
Bent knee bridges, 3 sets, 10 reps
Versa Climber, 300 feet

Session 10
10 minutes on elliptical, 1 mile, resistance 9
Leg kicks, single leg, 1 set, 10 reps each leg
Lateral leg swings, single leg, 10 reps each leg
X Band Walks, 3 sets, 20 steps each set
Inclined Chest Press, 3 sets, 8 reps, 30, 35, 40lb weights each set increased.
Inverted Dead Lift, 3 sets, 10 reps -- forget the weights

Cool New Exercise --
Tractor Tire flips.

Flip 250lb tractor tire six times, 3 sets, in between each set, jog 100 yards total
Flip 250lb x1, run 10 yard suicide, run back flip tire, run 20 yards -- do this for 50 yards. Just 1 set

Was very reminiscent of this commercial:

Then, since we were in the athletic training area, we stayed and did Wall Ball Swings, 1 set, 20 reps. I was gassed after the whole tire/suicides, and George pointed out I started having asthma, so we stopped and then went back inside

Elbow Plank, 4 sets, 30 second each set.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Session 9

Couldnt go to the gym yesterday because of work late...but today was Session 9 with George.

After a 5 minute warmup on Elliptical, I find him and he says today would be Cardio Hell...which is exactly what it was:
Pre Cardio:
Back Bridges , 1 set 12 reps
Single leg up, alternate leg lift, both legs, n = 10 each, 1 set
Opposite arm/leg kick outs and collapses, n = 10, per side, 2 sets
Supermans, n = 10, 2 sets
Leg curls with exercise ball, n = 10, 1 set

Cardio circuit

Inclined Pushups, n = 20
Sit-down/stand up squats, n = 20
Over the head press with 25lb weight barbell weight, n = 20
Step ups and knee kick, each leg, = 10.

This circuit was repeated 5 times with no breaks between exercises, but 2 minute break between each circuit.

After 2nd circuit, my arms were pretty much dead. So, George lifted up incline to a higher angle, and then the over the head weight was reduced to 20lbs with a normal bar.

Finished all 5 sequences though which he said he was impressed with, but I was out of breath the entire time. He said I need to work on my cardio strength, so he wants me to get in the gym @ planet fitness on weekends to do just at least inclined walks at 3-4mph speed on a steep ramp without holding on.

After the circuit, we did Pulldowns, 10 reps, 3 sets. 3rd set went to 15. All 90lb weight.

Stretched out hip flexors and learned a new chest stretch with foam roller because my shoulders were so tired.

Will be on a roadtrip thru Tuesday, so hopefully can get something done at the hotel gym. Next Friday is session 10, last one of the package, so will have to renew. Also, saw swim lessons on the bulletin board for adults -- something to look into.

Diet this week was pretty good -- no fast food, but 2 nights, I caved and went to the snack machine and bought random chocolates and binged -- felt disgusted after, but pretty mcuh entire week was salad, fruits, and rice/chicken for dinner 2 nights.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Testing out #SixPackShortcuts

Forced myself to the gym after slacking up for 4 days. Monday I had off for Easter and I shouldve gone in yesterday, but was lazy (sigh)

So today...rocking my new shoes which I bought intentionally for working out since my Basketball AI Reeboks hurt my feet when I ran:

Elliptical 1 mile (11 mins) at resistance of 9
Running up single steps (n = 28) x 6, walking down

Then i wanted to test out this new youtube viral workout by this jacked Asian guy named Mike Chang called SixPackShortCuts. It emphasizes high intensity cardio over long cardio (which is what I have been doing), with the premise that the "afterburn" effect utilizes more fat burning mechanisms, particularly around your abs (since all of his exercises focus on that)

SixPackShortCut workout:

So, I did a variation of it:
Alternating Crunches for 30 seconds
Elbow Plank for 30 seconds
Mountain Climbers, 30 reps total (hard to count when I do this)

Repeat for a cycle of 5 minutes.

I couldn't maintain the pace since I was so out of breath. I ended up doing 15 minutes worth...basically 3 sets --- very very bare minimum compared to what he did.

Then, one of my pet peeves working out has been my lack of chest strength - so I did 70lb resistance on the Iso-Incline Chest Press machine. 3 sets, 8 reps. Got through all my reps with 1 minute breaks. Annoying that I'm so weak in that area, so I figure even on my cardio days, I want to work on some muscle group solely (just abs and chest probably...[south] beach muscles FTW!

Tomorrow will be doing George's homework, and Friday Session 9.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Training sessions 7 and 8

Been slacking off on blogging -- partially because it was a busy week at work...but still no excuses.

Going to try to remember session 7's stuff (which was on Monday, 4/2), but I'll start backwards since session 8 was yesterday (Thursday, 4/5)

Session 8

5 minute warmup on elliptical, resistance 10
Running up stairs, 2 sets
Track was open, so we went up there to do some stuff
This was also the area that the elusive basketball court is!
There is a 1/7 mile track with sprint lines drawn in areas (dont know distance between lines)
Jog between 1st and 3rd line -- back and forth (x 3)
Jog between and 1st and 3rd line -- but jumping off of either left/right/both legs when George yells (x 3)
Running sideways between first and third lines back and forth (x 3)
Jog to first line - sprint to third line, then reverse (x3)
"Now, you're warmed up"
Leg swings (each leg) 10 reps 1 set
Lateral leg swing (going for full range of motion, 10 reps 1 set
Goblet Squat with 20lb weight, 10 reps, 3 sets
Standing Shoulder press with same 20lb weight, 8 reps, 3 sets
Inclined pushups on barbell, 8 reps, 3 sets
Stepping over lowered barbell (2 feet off the ground), left and right sides, 20 reps, 3 sets
Mountain climber, 20 reps, 3 sets (brutal)
Elbow planks, 6 sets, 20 seconds each (so really, 3 sets at 40 seconds).
I could not catch my breath up to 5 minutes after the workout, and I was stammering for air during the planks. We also discovered after Session 7 that I have a really bad strength deficiency in my left shoulder. George also said core stability needs to go way up, as well lung capacity. My body is a mess.

Session 7 (memory is a little hazy)

10 minute warmup on Elliptical, resistance 9
Walking up/down stairs, 6 sets
(We did something here before bench press -- forgot what it was)
Bench Press, 3 sets, 8 reps, I forget the weight, but the last set, I couldnt finish....just didnt have strength.
Shoulder Press Machine, 3 sets, 8 reps. Left shoulder would not go up
Dead Lift - 6 sets, 10 reps. Each set, the weight went up. I think the last set, weight was at 150lbs.
--Lower back really got tight after dead lifts---
Pulling a rope (with resistance on it) while standing sideways, 3 sets, 10 reps (left and right side seperately)
Versa Climber, medium resistance, maintaining 45fpm strides, George pushed me to 250feet. Water break at 100feet. My HR was way high and I had to walk around for a while after to calm down. That was the end of that session.

2 more sessions before I have to renew my personal training pack. I get along well with George and I've grown accustomed to the routine.

Some things that concern me since starting this new round of fitness training:
-Shocking weakness in my left arm / shoulder
-Way decreased core strength (I'm pretty sure it was good with Chris...but maybe between the 1 year time off, it regressed?)
-I feel im not losing weight -- During weekdays, I havent cut corners, and have eaten healthy -- worked on increasing protein intake by means of chicken, Muscle Milk drinks, and protein shakes. Maybe I need to step it up. I should feel lighter during my workouts, but the f*cking stairs kill me each session. Ugh.
