Monday, July 30, 2012

Session 26

Saturday, July 28 2012

I had to cancel Friday's session with George because I had way too much work to finish (at work) before the weekend  and I had to make it back to Philly in time to take my sister to #RISE!

So Saturday afternoon, bad luck (typical) followed me and I got stuck on the drive back up to Allentown. My 2:00pm session started at 2:30pm with George usually leaving at 3 on Saturdays. But, because I was late , he scrapped my session and instead asked if I wanted to train with him (which meant going through his workout for the day, which was a lot of leg and back).

The actual workout wasn't difficult, until the after effects which I am still feeling today (Monday 7/30)


Lateral Leg Swings and Head to Toe touches

Dead Lift: Pyramid set: Bar (x 10), +50 (8), +90 (6), + 140 (+3), +180 (3 sets, 3 reps)
Front Squat with Bar: Bar, 10 reps, +10 10 reps, +30 8 reps
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown, 80lbs, 2 sets, 12 reps. 95lbs, 1 set 10 reps
Dumbbell Curl: 25lbs, 3 sets, 12 reps
Iso Lateral Row: 90lbs, 2 sets, 8reps/arm, 180lbs, 1 set, 8 reps/arm
Static Lunge - 25lb dumbbells -- 3 sets of 10 -- done completely incorrectly because I couldn't genuflect all the way.
RDLs - 27.5lbs dumbells, 3 sets, 12 reps.

After that we were done, and I finished up with 300 feet on versa climber and then full set of stretches.

On Sunday, my upper back hurt so much, I think from dead lifts and iso lateral row. And my lats also still hurts (everything). Hamstrings are tight too.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Session 25

Thursday, July 19 2012

Had an afternoon session today since I wont be in Allentown on Friday...

Started off with running stairs, alternating with 1x1 sprints and 2x2 sprints - 6 times total.
Lateral Shuffle across a room back and forth 5 times with 5lb medicine ball held out in front
Heels kicking Butt jog across a room 1x
Knees hitting hands outstretched in front jog across a room 1x


Dead Lift - 90lbs (10 reps), 145lbs (8 reps), 205 (2 x 3 reps).
Box Squats with bar bell over back - 65lbs (10 reps)

Shoulder and upper back tightness occurred so....

Box Squats with Broom stick over & behind the head - 10 reps
Broom stick squats over & behind the head - 2 x 10 reps

Back to Normal Squats with 65lb bar bell over shoulder, except heels elevated by standing on a bar bell weight - 2 x 10 reps

Then the rest of the session was pretty terrible with Drop Sets:

Chest Press Machine - 135lbs 10 reps, 125lbs 10 reps, My biceps were killed after this -- 100lbs - 5 reps, 70lbs, 6 reps. Lots of gaps of time in between the different weights because I couldnt even move the weight at all because of lack of energy in my arms.

Seated Row Weight Machine - 80lbs 10 reps, 75lbs 10 reps, 70lbs 10 reps, 60lbs 15 reps. I managed to get through these a lot better.

Lateral Cable Pulls - 4lb resistance, 3 sets each arm 10 reps each arm

After that, learned some new foam rolling:

Upper Back Foam Roll - hands at chest, knees bent and then roll from lower back upwards by moving your butt downwards.

Then another stretch -- lying flat on floor, knees bent, head, butt, palms all on floor, and moving your arms extended from your sides, all the way above your head (kind of like snow angels). -- this was surprisingly a good stretch for my shoulder blades and lats.

Exhausted, and drenched -- did my hip and quad stretches and finished off my 4th day in a row at the gym with a nice hot shower.

George was impressed that I could do 205lbs on a dead lift -- and with proper form. He wants me to break 300 by September which is ridiculous.

I just want to break 200lb bodyweight right now and have a beach body! ugh!

SS Month 3: October Part 2

An eventful 2nd half to October. I wasn't overly concerned with recording how much I weighed when I first started lifting heavy on Starting Strength, just every now and then. I weighed in twice, first at 172 lbs and then at 174 lbs. Stalled for the first time in one of my lifts--the squat--and had to reset. Also discovered the amazing benefits of chalk, especially on the deadlift.

Monday 10/17/11
Barbell Squat 250 lbs 5, 4, 2
Barbell Bench Press 125 lbs 5, 5, 5
Barbell Deadlift 245 lbs 3, 2


 Didn't sleep well, barely 6. Half scoop of assault. Rested 5 min after warmups with piss. First set was okay, kept form even on last rep, depth seemed okay, maybe not as deep as previous sets but still felt like I broke parallel. Took breathing break before last rep. Resting 6.

    Racked after 4th rep. Didn't feel like I could get another rep without tweaking something in low back. Left lumbar region sore, but not right. Resting 645. Only did 2 in last set. Bailed mentally more than anything physical. Rested 4.5 with bench setup. Rested 330 after warmups.

    Felt like I tweaked something asymmetrically only in left lower back region. Reps did have a bit of a symmetry problem. Also had a focus problem with folks just chillin between the power racks. First set was okay, slow bar speed and 2nd rep hit safety rails on right side.

    Resting 4. 2nd set was much better, good form. Bar path could be a little more vertical. Resting 430. Solid final set. Resting 5 including piss and deadlift setup. Resting 6 after warmups. Last warmup set felt heavy as a work set. Definitely feel left lower back from squats in deadlifts.

    Supinating right hand. Had to rest after 3 reps. Felt hamstrings fatigue. Surprisingly didn't feel lower back. Resting 230. Really scraping shins. Gutted out last 2 reps, taking breaths and time to focus. Hands never left bar though. Retry on Friday. Retry same squat weight on Wednesday.

    Bench jumps 2.5 on Friday. Make sure to get enough sleep. Today was greatly impacted by shitty sleep last few days, especially night before.

Wednesday 10/19/11
Barbell Squat: 250 lbs 2, 1, 0
Barbell Shoulder Press: 95 lbs 5, 4, 2
Power Clean: 117.5 lbs 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1


    Slept about 6.5-7 hours, half scoop of assault. Rested about 3-4 minutes after warmups. Forgot stopwatch, using phone clock. 1st set was okay, took breaths before last rep, resting 5-6 minutes. Felt left side working more than right on last rep. Need to stop caving knees in.

    Bailed on 2nd rep in 2nd set. Felt same spot in left lower back. Resting 6 minutes including reset time. Had to bail on first rep in last set; could be stalling soon. Resting 3 after press setup. Rested 3-4 after warmups. Feeling some pulsating pain in left elbow/tricep.

    1st set felt strongest in a while. Careful not to push press. Rested 3-4. Last rep got stuck just above forehead. Kept 4th rep locked out a little too long hoping to use bounce reflex. Resting 4-5. Got two reps in. last set after two false starts. Need to be more aggressive in attacking movements.

    In other words, get under the bar and be ready to explode. Rested 3 after power clean setup. Resting 3-4 after warmups. Make sure to slam elbows up. First set was okay, don't spread legs too wide when stomping. Reps could have been better. Resting 3-4. 2nd set was just as mediocre.

    Bar drifted away from shins again and ended up doing two deadlufts. Still gutted out 3 reps. Resting 3-4. 3rd set was best yet. Still could do better but form was improved over last two sets. Resting 3-4. Good 4th set. I understand what has been happening when bar drifts away from shins.

    My ass/hips were too high at the start and lumbar wasn't locked in extension. Lowering hips just a bit leads to better deadlift, proper jumping position and a better clean. The proper deadlift means bar touches proper place on the thigh for the jump. Rested 3-4.

    Got first two reps, had to stand up, stretch, relax hamstrings and hip flexors. Got last rep with great form. Last squat attempt @250 on Friday. Repeat press weight next session. Stay @ same weight for power cleans to tighten up form and mechanics.

Friday 10/21/11
Barbell Squat 250 lbs 1; 225 lbs 4, 5
Barbell Bench Press 127.5 lbs 5, 3, 5
Barbell Deadlift 245 lbs 5


    Had decent sleep last 2 nights, about 7+. Half scoop of assault. Rested 530 after warmups with piss. Only got one rep, bailed on 2nd. Begin reset. Reduced weight to 225 for last two sets. Waited 345 including setup. Got 4 solid reps at 225 but got stuck in the hole on the last one.

    Rested 445 after setup. Getting better kinesthetic sense of keeping knees out and making hips do the majority of the work. Great final set. Ready for reset next week. Rested 4 min after bench setup. Rested 330 after warmups. Kept hitting safety bars...

    Need to make chest big, squeeze glutes, and keep back arched. Bailed on 3rd rep, rested 415 including setup. Bar speed was slow, but could be also a mental factor. Got 3 reps, but bar path is all over the place. Resting 4 min after setup. Good comeback on final set.

    Last rep almost didn't make it, but somehow got it locked out and completed. Mental focus made the difference. Repeat weight next session and kill it. Rested 3 after deadlift setup. Felt some pain on lower back while placing weight for work set. Rested 5 after warmups.

    Supinating left hand. Got all 5 reps without both hands ever leaving bar. Did take some time between reps after 3rd rep. Bar kept inching forward whenever I set it down. Try 5 lb jump next session.

Monday 10/24/11
Barbell Squat: (Basically just warmups) 45 lbs 5, 5; 100 lbs 5; 150 lbs 3; 200 lbs 2
Barbell Shoulder Press: 95 lbs 5, 5, 5
Power Clean: 117.5 lbs 3, 3, 3, 3, 3


 Rested a little under 7 hours, took no xplode. Squat reset today, warmups felt good, last set was a tad challenging compared to the others, but still well within capacity. Made sure form was spot on, especially shoving knees out. Careful not to pause too long at the bottom.

    Resting 4 after press setup. Rested 3.5 after warmups. First set was great. Felt easier for the first time in a while. Rested 415 with piss. Good 2nd set as well, felt a little more challenging but still very much in control. Definitely busting through this plateau. Resting 345.

    Good final set, took a step steward on 2nd rep and felt a little fatigued after 4th rep, but completed the set. Ready for 2.5 lb jump Friday. Rested 3.5 after power clean setup. Resting 3.5 after warmups, make sure to slam elbows up when racking clean.

    Good first set, just make sure to keep deadlift portion closer to body. Resting 3. Good second set, try to stomp in the last three sets. Resting three. Excellent third set, stomping makes a world of difference. Resting 3. Good 4th set, deadlift started drifting but made proper adjustment.

    I.e. lowered hips a tiny bit and kept bar close to body. Resting 3. Good last set. Try 2.5 lb jumps again.

Wednesday 10/26/11
Barbell Squat: (continuing reset) 45 lbs 5, 5; 90 lbs 5; 135 lbs 3; 180 lbs 2; 225 lbs 5
Barbell Bench Press 127.5 lbs 5, 5, 5
Barbell Deadlift 250 lbs 5


 Slept about 7 hours, no pre workout supplement. Warmups felt good with proper form. Resting 4 min before work set. Started chalk today, feels different, way better grip. Work set felt challenging, but form was very good. Made sure to keep knees forced out. Also, didn't feel any lower back tweaks.

    Rested 4 after bench setup. Rested 5 with piss after warmups. 1st set was difficult, but got all 5 reps. Bar speed was slow and bar path was less than vertical last 2 reps. Resting 4. 2nd set had similar difficulty and bar speed, but path was much better for last 3 reps compared to 1st set.

    Resting 430. Good final set, last rep barely made it, but got it. Try 2.5 lb jump next session. Resting 4 after deadlift setup, excited to see what chalk does. Chalk definitely helped with double overhand grip. Resting 5 after warmups. Supinating right hand.

    Glad to hear compliment from older dude who does smith bench. Bar just flew up on the deadlift work set. Chalk is like fucking strength I never knew I had. Didn't even really feel fatigued and probably could have busted out more reps. Chalk is ridiculously helpful. Ready for 5 lb jump.

Frday 10/28/11
Barbell Squat: (continuing reset) 225 lbs 5, 5
Barbell Bench Press 127.5 lbs 5, 5, 5
Barbell Deadlift 250 lbs 5


  Rested a good 7+ hours. No pre workout supplement. Rested 4 after warmups. Okay first set, looked up on a couple of reps, need to try to keep head down. Rested 7.5 with shit. 2nd set was passable, right knee caved in on first rep, almost looked up on a separate rep, but did a better job...

    with keeping knees out and head down rest of the set. Rested 5 after press setup. Squats still feel pretty challenging, strange to think I was able to lift 10% more over a week ago, albeit with crappy form. On the bright side, 2nd session at this weight without any back tweaks.

    Rested 4 after warmups. Good first set, struggled with some reps but managed to get all of them. Resting 4. Good second set, last rep was an adventure as it was trying really trying hard not to get up there, but I got it locked out. Resting 445 to make sure I'm fully recovered.

    Awesome final set, best out of the three. Rested 345 after power clean setup. Excited for chalk. Remember to stomp and slam elbows up. Rested 345 after warmups. Ehhh first set, reps were racking a little low, can feel the location on my sternum. Forgot to stomp. Resting 3.

    Better 2nd set, reps racked much better, still need more stomp, resting 315. A little better 3rd set, great 2nd rep, other ones had slight racking problem. Even if all reps get completed, retry weight wednesday. STOMP, SLAM ELBOWS UP. Resting 325. Again, a little better in 4th set.

    Good first 2 reps, last rep lacked some stomp but still racked okay. Resting 335. Good final set, first rep had to take a step back on rack to keep balance. Last rep was very good, stomped and elbows followed suit by slamming up. When I focused solely on stomp, rest of rep works out fine.

    Ready for additional work set with squats, ready for 2.5 jump with press, stay at 120 for power clean and work on form.

Monday 10/31/11
Barbell Squat: (reset complete) 225 lbs 5, 5, 5
Barbell Bench Press 130 lbs 5, 5, 4
Barbell Deadlift 255 lbs 5


 Slept about 6.5. Felt off mentally before heading to gym, but felt a lot better after warmups. Rested 5 with piss. First set was easiest in a while, stance was a little narrower than usual, knees stayed out, no back tweak. Resting 6. 2nd set was good as well, kept head down and knees out.

    Kept lower back tight. Like 1st set, didn't need to take extended pauses between later reps. Resting 6. Good final set, proceed with one 10 lb jump if you average 8 hours of sleep next 2 nights. Resting 4 after bench setup. Resting 4 after warmups. Great first set, resting 4.

    Difficult to keep arch on lower back and to keep upper back right, but bar speed was pretty good...slowed but still no worry of getting pinned. Last rep barely made it, but still a good 2nd set. Resting 445 for full recovery. Couldn't get last rep in last set, repeat weight on Friday.

    4th rep felt like last rep in 2nd set. Was focused and rested enough from last set, weekend's eating and lack of recovery from saturday workout caught up with me. Resting 4 after deadlift setup. Resting 500 after warmups. Right side of lower back feels a bit sore from plate setup.

    Supinating left hand. Strong work set, really felt the lift in my quads and hamstrings for some reason. Still had proper form though. Ready for 5 lb jump.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shaq's Power and relation to his core strength

As my co-writer here is still catching up months of blogging...

I wonder how Shaquille O' Neal's core strength was in his prime (2000-2006)

especially after watching these exercises:

All I want is the power to do that and stamina to do a full court game! #hardwork #mamba

Homework Assignment

Wednesday July 18 2012

3rd day of gym in a row! One of the advantages of not travelling. 

George's homework sheet:

Versa Climber - 350ft
Goblet Squads - 20lbs - 3 x 10
Seated Leg Curl - 65lbs - 3 x 12
Lateral Squads - 3 x 20 (10 each leg)
Hammer Iso Presser - 90lbs - 3 x 10 (I went up 40lbs since May)
Closed Grip Lat Pull down - 90lbs 3 x 12 (increased by 5lbs)
Standing Dumb Bell shoulder press - 20lbs 3 x 10 (increased by 5lbs)
Rope Bicep Curl - 27.5lbs - 3 x 10 (increased by 2.5lbs)
Rope Tricep Pull down - 27.5lbs - 3 x 10 (increased by 2.5lbs)
Planks - 3 30second intervals alternating with 3 - 10 rep Supermans

Full set of stretches on foam roller and cable rope for hip flexors.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Intense Cardio workout

I think this may have been my highest intensity cardio workout in the history of independent working out:

Full set of stretches prior to workout
13 minutes on Air Bike - 1 minute break (above 30-40RPM) and then 20 seconds of 80+ RPM.
350 feet on Versa Climber

My right quad was so fatigued by this point and I was out of breath. After a quick water break....

1000m on Row Machine with the difficulty setting of 3 (out of 10).

Then finished off with
3 sets of 30 second planks alternating with 3 sets of  20 alternating crunches

Stretches hips and IT band and foam rolled quads.

Another trained said he was impressed and would give George the good news ha.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Session 24..... The MAMBA

July 16

Warmup on versa climber - 300 feet. Was pretty easy and I wasn't huffing and puffing finally!

Bar over the head lift - pyramid set bar, +20, +5, - 10, 8, 6 reps

I finally broke 200 on rack dead lift! And another guy have me a skit out for good technique and the best he's seen yet!
90 lbs, 150 lbs, 225 lbs - 10, 8, 6.

Body squats 1 set of 10

Hammer iso press - 90lbs, 120lbs, 150lbs. 3 sets 10 reps. Last set was not good, needed help.

2 foot step, straight leg step up, 3 sets, 10 raises each leg

triceps extension machine - 70 lbs, 3sets 12 reps

Bicep bar curl - just bar, 10 reps, plus 10, 2 sets of 10, back to bar, 1 set of 15 (with a break after the 10th rep)

Front bridge - 2 sets of  10. Back was tight on the way up...

Full set of hip stretches and quad foam rolling after I was done.

Session 23

Friday, July 13 2012

I realized I forgot to blog about a couple of sessions with George, but I'm definitely at 23 now...

No warmup
Single Arm Cable pull with Knee Kick, 3 sets, 10 reps each leg
Single Arm Lat Pull down, alternating arms, 70lbs, 3 sets, 20 reps
Floor Dumbell press - Pyramid set, 30, 40, 45lbs, 3 sets, 12, 10, 8 reps.
Forward Lunge, 3 sets, 20 steps
Leg Press, 80lbs, 125, 140lbs, 3 sets, 20 reps
Row Machine - 1000m in 5:05mins

I closed my eyes while I did the row machine and maintained a pretty good pace until George messed up my focus by telling me how much more I had --- then I was completed gassed and struggled the last 200m.

He wants me to get down to 4:30 in a 1000m. I also told him how I could bang out knee pushups pretty easily and he said he doesnt care about that -- he wants normal pushups! But progress is progress. I do feel stronger.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Random Workout

Thursday July 12, 2012

Foam rolled quads, hips.
Versa Climber - 300ft
AirBike - 20 seconds over 80RPM  and then 1 minute of riding at 30-40RPM. Did this for 12 mins.
Plank - 3 sets of 30 seconds per set
Alternating Crunches, 3 sets of 20 alternating taps
Knee Pushups, 3 sets of 10

Monday, July 9, 2012

Session 18

Monday, July 9th

After a week+ of not seeing George, I anticipated this workout, but also knew it would be a bitch...

Surprisingly, minus one terrible event, it went pretty well!

Stretched Hip Flexors with Pidgeon stretch on table prior to cardio
250ft on Versa Climber

Single Leg Dead Lift -- except not lifting anything -- just touching a kettle bell on the floor - 2 sets, 10 reps
Rack Dead Lift - 150lbs, 4 sets, 10 reps
Over the Head Bar shoulder press -Pyramid Set - Bar, +10, + 15. 3 sets, 10 reps
Box Squats with bar on 22inch stool - Bar, +10, 2 sets, 10 reps
Box squats with bar on shoulder/arms crisscrossed Bar + 10, 2 sets, 10 reps
Single Arm Row with Kettle Bell - 30lbs - 2 sets 10 reps
Cable Flies (red cable), 3 sets, 20 reps
Split Squats, 2 sets, 10 reps each leg

After the Box Squats, my lower back was so incredibly and painfully tight. I couldnt stand up staight for more than a few seconds, it was that uncomfortable. George said it was because my hip flexors aren't firing and my stabilizer lower back muscles are over compensating for it.

It was so bad during the last 3 exercises that I had to leave to foam roll my back -- which I don't think helped at all.

We finihsed up with 5 "runs" up and down the 25 was more like speed climbing at that point because I was so tired and in pain. 

If it wasn't for the back pain, it would've been a relatively "easy" workout.

I inquired about swim lessons from the front desk so I can add that as a sole cardio session.

Back seemed fine after a hot shower though my legs feel so weak when I walk....