Monday, July 30, 2012

Session 26

Saturday, July 28 2012

I had to cancel Friday's session with George because I had way too much work to finish (at work) before the weekend  and I had to make it back to Philly in time to take my sister to #RISE!

So Saturday afternoon, bad luck (typical) followed me and I got stuck on the drive back up to Allentown. My 2:00pm session started at 2:30pm with George usually leaving at 3 on Saturdays. But, because I was late , he scrapped my session and instead asked if I wanted to train with him (which meant going through his workout for the day, which was a lot of leg and back).

The actual workout wasn't difficult, until the after effects which I am still feeling today (Monday 7/30)


Lateral Leg Swings and Head to Toe touches

Dead Lift: Pyramid set: Bar (x 10), +50 (8), +90 (6), + 140 (+3), +180 (3 sets, 3 reps)
Front Squat with Bar: Bar, 10 reps, +10 10 reps, +30 8 reps
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown, 80lbs, 2 sets, 12 reps. 95lbs, 1 set 10 reps
Dumbbell Curl: 25lbs, 3 sets, 12 reps
Iso Lateral Row: 90lbs, 2 sets, 8reps/arm, 180lbs, 1 set, 8 reps/arm
Static Lunge - 25lb dumbbells -- 3 sets of 10 -- done completely incorrectly because I couldn't genuflect all the way.
RDLs - 27.5lbs dumbells, 3 sets, 12 reps.

After that we were done, and I finished up with 300 feet on versa climber and then full set of stretches.

On Sunday, my upper back hurt so much, I think from dead lifts and iso lateral row. And my lats also still hurts (everything). Hamstrings are tight too.

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