Monday, June 25, 2012

SS Month 3: October Part 1

The first half of my 3rd month of Starting Strength started with a nice milestone: 2 45 pound plates on each side for squats. Progress a little spotty on some of my lifts but the overall direction is trending nicely upward. Starting to see a real struggle getting power clean to progress since the complexity of the lift is really difficult to master without a coach or just someone who knows the lift to provide another eye. Technique, possibly more than strength,  really limits this lift.

Monday 10/3/11
Barbell Squat: 225 lbs [2 45# plates on each side, like a growing boy should] 5, 5, 5
Barbell Bench Press: 117.5 lbs 5, 5, 5
Barbell Deadlift: 235 lbs 5


  Slept around 6.5 hours. Took 3/5 scoop assault. Rested 3 min after warmups. First set was okay, need to make sure to keep eyes at correct angle. Might have been cutting squats a bit too short on last reps. Resting 315. 2nd set was odd. Felt like I couldn't balance bar.
  Left hand started hurting from bar placement. Also felt like I was slightly falling forward. Resting 330. Fixed bar placement on last set which was the best by far. Rested 5 min including bench setup and piss. Resting 300 after bench warmups.
    1st set went okay, kept grazing the right safety bar, but bar speed was good. Could do a better job of keeping chest big. Resting 315. 2nd set was good, grazed the safety bar fewer times. Bar speed did slow a bit. Resting 330.
    Final set was best, only grazed bar on last rep. Rested 430 including deadlift setup. Resting 330 after deadlift warmups. Supinating left hand. Set was challenging, but still felt strong. Need to make sure not to drag bar against body on the way up. Start loading by 5 lb increases.
    Squat feels ready for next 5 lb jump. Need to brush up on bar and hand positioning. Bench feels ready for next 2.5 jump. Deadlift should go up by 5 lbs next session.

Wednesday 10/5/11
Barbell Squat: 230 lbs 5, 4, 3
Barbell Shoulder Press: 90 lbs 5, 5, 5
Power Clean: 115 lbs 3, 3, 3, 3, 3


    Slept around 6.5 hours. Full scoop of assault. Rested 315 after squat warmups. 1st set could have been better, but still got 5 decent reps. Need to stabilize core better and improve form. Keep mentally focused. Rested 345.
    Had to bail on last rep in 2nd set. Felt a hitch on 4th rep where I had to rely on back to muscle bar up. Rested 430 after setting up bar again. Really think sleep deficit affected session. Will try weight again on Friday.
    Did 3 solid reps in last set, but legs turned to jello and didn't try going down after a 5 second pause after 3rd rep. Just didn't feel like I had anything left in the tank. Rested 3 minutes after press setup. Rested 3 min after warmups.
    First set was rock solid, great bar speed. Resting 3 min. 2nd set was way more challenging. Bar speed slowed overall and 4th and 5th reps had major sticking points. Had to really utilize reflex bounce on last rep. Rested 330.
    3rd set was still challenging but better than second set. 2.5 jump next time. Rested 230 after power clean setup. Rested 315 after warmups. Excellent 1st set of power cleans. Resting 230. Remember to crowd the bar, keep ass up, and explode. 2nd set was good with room to improve.
    Rested 230. 3rd set was okay, didn't feel bar touch spot on thigh on the way up last 2 reps, but still had solid racks. Rested 230. 4th set was better, hit all checkpoints. Rested 230. 5th set was ok given efforts at self preservation unracking. 5 lb jump next time.

Friday 10/7/11
Barbell Squat: 230 lbs 5, 5, 5
Barbell Bench Press: 120 lbs 5, 5, 5
Barbell Deadlift: 240 lbs 3, 2


    Didn't sleep well, maybe 5 hours and in parts. Half scoop of assault. Rested 4 min after warmups. First set was excellent. Bar felt light on shoulders, form felt better, especially compared to last couple of sessions. Was locked in mentally. Kept neck in proper anatomical position.
    Rested 4 min. 2nd set was very challenging. Had to take several breaths after 4th rep, but managed to get out of the hole on last rep. Resting 500. Last set is in the running for hardest accomplishment yet. Took more breaths and seconds between 4th and 5th reps than any exercise yet.
    Rested 630 with bench setup. Rested 330 after warmups. Bailed on fucking 2nd rep. Resting 230 with reset. Decent 1st set, never touched safety bars, took a lot to muscle up last rep. Resting 330. Challenging 2nd set, really struggled with last 2 reps. Lot of lateral movement,
    need more vertical bar path. Resting 415. Last set was again challenging, last rep grazed safety bar on left side, but still a good set. Ready for next 2.5 lb jump. Rested 330 including deadlift setup. Last set of warmups was tougher than expected. Resting 445, supinating right hand.
    Did 3 and couldn't do 4th. Resting 2 min before trying to get last 2. Got last 2. With all attempts, had trouble with the bar rolling back after setting it down. Retry weight next session. Squats benefited from watching SS vid again and following cues. Bar speed was ok. Ready for 5 lb jump.

Monday 10/10/11
Barbell Squat: 235 lbs 5, 5, 5
Barbell Shoulder Press: 92.5 lbs 5, 5, 5
Power Clean: 120 lbs 3, 2, 1; 117.5 lbs 2, 2

Slept about 7 hours. Half scoop of assault. Went to gym later because of day off. Rested 345 after warmups. First set felt ok. Room for improvement. Keep proper head position. Set felt stable at least. Rest 400. 2nd set was challenging. Really struggling to get breaths...
    Even after 2 reps. Still managed to get all reps with good form. Resting 500. Third set was a major challenge, felt like nearly quitting after 3rd rep but locked in and fought through. Really had to use bounce reflex on last rep and maybe went too deep/
    Let lower back relax at the bottom. Still a good set. Rest 6 with press setup. Rested 330 after warmups. First set was difficult, had to step forward on last rep to keep balance. Last two reps were both just barely done. Resting 330. Much better 2nd set. Resting 345.
    Final set was okay, felt like I may have done one push press rep. Still okay to try 95 next session. Rested 430 with power clean setup. Rested 3 after warmups. 1st set was eh, had one failed rep but 3 good ones. People crowding space fucked rhythym up. Resting 3.
    Only got two reps in 2nd set, still annoyed by people up in my space. Resting 330. Only got one rep in third set. Dropped weight to 117.5 Resting 330. Got 2 reps using 117.5 in 4th set. People still crowding space. Resting 345. Feel really tired in all these sets.
    Last set only got two at 117.5. Felt scared and intimidated of these reps partly because I felt so drained. Repeat weight at 120 on Friday. Squat ready and press ready for appropriate jumps. Need to keep focused mentally during power cleans.

Wednesday 10/12/11
Barbell Squat: 240 lbs 5, 5, 5
Barbell Bench Press: 122.5 lbs 5, 5, 5
Barbell Deadlift: 240 lbs 5

    Slept well, over 7 hours. Half scoop of assault. Rested 345 after warmups. First set went okay, felt my back work mostly. Need to keep head down and utilize bounce reflex better. Resting 430. Second set was a bit better, kept head down. Back angle seems to keep changing too much for my liking.
    Resting 500. Didn't need to catch my breath between reps as badly as last couple of sessions. Last set was pretty good, mental challenge by 3rd rep as usual. Back seems to lose tightness as I fatigue, need to focus on not letting it relax at the bottom on last reps of sets. Rested 530 with bench...
    Setup and piss. Rested 330 after warmups. 1st set was tough, last rep almost didn't make it. Make sure not to get stuck at the top. Resting 345. Fucked up 2nd rep and racked it. Waiting 230 and restarting 2nd set. Ok 2nd set, 4th and 5th rep almost didn't make it.
    Left tricep seems noticeably weaker. Resting 420. Final set was passable, last rep again barely made it and was questionable if it locked out on top, but I'll take it. Rested 430 with deadlift setup. Rested 430 after warmups. Supinating left hand.
    Good set. Had a little trouble as bar kept rolling forward when being set down. Rolled far enough after 2nd rep that I had to slightly readjust. Hands never left the bar though. Took a couple of breaths between reps starting with 3rd rep and could feel heart beating, but powered through them.

    Ready for next squat jump, make sure to keep back tight even when fatigued. Bench was trouble but try 125 next time. Deadlift should go up by 5 as well. On last rep, felt my right hamstring which I tweaked yesterday playing bball.

Friday 10/14/11

Barbell Squat: 245 lbs 5, 5, 5
Barbell Shoulder Press: 95 lbs 4, 4, 5
Power Clean: 120 lbs 3, 1; 117.5 lbs 3, 3, 3

Slept about 7 hours, half scoop of assault. Rested 545 after warmups, includes piss time. Good first set, felt relatively easier than previous sessions, but still challenging. I think the wider stance helped as well as focus on keeping back tight. Resting 430.
    2nd set was more challenging, similar difficulty as previous sessions. Took breaths before last rep, form could've been better. Resting 530. Last set was challenging, last rep was pretty ugly, relaxed back at the bottom and came up on to my toes on the way up as I tried to rack early,

    still an acceptable set. Rested 415 after press setup. Rested 4 after warmups. Last warmup set felt a bit heavy. Had some gas problems at beginning of 1st set. Got 4 reps, last one stuck at forehead. Resting 345. Couldn't get first rep over my head. Lowered weight, only got...

    4 reps, last rep stuck at forehead again. Resting 415. Good comeback set. Rested 430 min including power clean setup. Resting 4 min after warmups. First set was not bad. Need to make sure to keep bar close to body in initial pull. Good stomp last rep. Resting 3.

    Only got first rep. Lowering weight. Resting 3. Good comeback set. Pretend the bar is talking shit about family to get angry at it. Resting 3. Ok 4th set, had to stand up a few times as glutes and back were fatigued. Resting 3. Good final set. Stay at this weight to work on form.

    Squats are ready for next weight, just really try to be mindful of form even on the reps which are the most challenging. Retry press at 95 next session. Stay at 117.5 for next power clean session.

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